Service: beecura® Online-Tool for Patient & Appointment Management

This service is currently only available in German.

The English release is scheduled for 2023.


Safe and professional beehive air therapy requires reliable and hygienically perfect equipment. Another vital point is systematic organization. It is the only way to manage patients and plan therapy sessions reliably. As a Beecura customer, we provide you with an online tool that you can use to manage your patients and coordinate appointments for beehive air treatments – uncomplicated, intuitive and in accordance with German data protection standards.

beecura® Patient and Appointment Management – Functionality

Beecura’s patient and appointment management includes three different (primary) functions:

  1. Digital File System: Record and manage your patient data.
  2. Individual Daily and Weekly Plans:  Create a schedule matching your therapy centre’s opening hours.
  3. Appointment Allocationg: Allocate appointments for beehive air treatments in the appointment schedule of your therapy centre and assign each appointment to a patient.

Digital File System

In the digital file system, you can enter your patient’s details with all essential data such as name, address, contact details, individual information, and notes using a simple and intuitive input mask. The system supports you so that you cannot store incomplete patient data or enter patients twice. In the patient overview section, you can keep track of all patients and have a patient’s data quickly at hand.

Daily and Weekly Plans

Mit den Tages- und Wochenplänen erstellen Sie Ihren individuellen Terminplan mit Zeitfenstern für einzelne Sitzungen, abgestimmt auf die Öffnungszeiten Ihrer Therapiestation. Durch die Zuordnung von Wochenplänen zu Kalenderwochen erhalten Sie einen Terminplaner für die Vergabe künftiger Sitzungstermine.

Appointment Booking

With the daily and weekly plans, you can create your schedule with time windows for individual sessions coordinated with the opening hours of your therapy centre. You receive a schedule for allocating future appointment dates by assigning weekly schedules to calendar weeks.

beecura® Online-Tool all functions at a glance

Some functions of our beecura® online tool for patient and appointment management are shown and explained to you in four short video tutorials under the following link:

In German – video tutorials

Highest Data Protection Standards

Germany has high standards for data protection, especially for sensitive patient data. The online tool for patient and appointment management from Beecura® meets the German data protection requirements for patient data. All data is stored exclusively on secure servers in Germany.

Use of  the Beecura® Online-Tool

We make our online patient and appointment management tool available to our customers for safe and high-quality beehive air therapy in our secure customer area. You can access your patient and appointment management via the Internet anytime, even with your smartphone.


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Do you have any questions or would like any further information?
We are happy to make you a personalised offer for the Beecura system or even to a complete apitherapy centre.

Use our contact form and send us an e-mail. We will deal with your query and get back to you promptly.

Beecura GmbH
Am Gewerbegebiet 5
09474 Crottendorf

Monday - Friday
07:30 am - 16:30 pm

Phone: +49 37344 13435-0
Fax: +49 37344 13435-9

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